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Your favorite fashion portal is now available on the app. With interactive features like Polls & Find, making the right fashion choices in now just a tap away.

Find Your Fashion Easily

The find features in the app lets vendors relevant to your fashion query find you. Now, don’t spend hours browsing through collections to find the perfect look. Just type in a query and let the designers find you! Shop better, get best deals and customize your outfit for that perfect look!

Make better Fashion Choices

The unique collective of fashionistas, bloggers, stylists and designers get together to solve every fashion dilemma you can possibly face. Just post a question, a choice or a poll and see the community respond!

Talk Fashion 24x7

The community is always very actively involved in what’s going on in the fashion world and with celebs. Browse through 100s of trends, events and looks which are creating a buzz in the fashion world today

Sell Better

For designers and labels, the app allows you to showcase and generate business on your entire collection. The app allows you to connect with the actual shopper, which leads to greater percentage of conversions per query.